Hardwood and Laminate Flooring Maintenance: What NOT to Do

Hardwood and Laminate Flooring Maintenance: What NOT to Do

Hardwood and laminate flooring are beautiful additions to any home, but they require proper maintenance to keep them looking their best. It is important to know what NOT to do when maintaining your flooring to avoid causing damage that can be costly to repair. In this article, we will explore some common mistakes people make when cleaning and maintaining hardwood and laminate flooring and provide tips for avoiding these mistakes.

  • Do not use excessive water when cleaning:  One of the biggest mistakes people make when cleaning hardwood and laminate flooring is using too much water. Excessive water can seep into the cracks and cause the flooring to warp, buckle, or develop water stains. Instead, use a damp mop or cloth to clean the flooring, and wring out excess water before using it. You can also use a specialized cleaner that is specifically designed for hardwood and laminate flooring, which will require less water to clean effectively. 
  • Do not use harsh chemicals:  Using harsh chemicals when cleaning hardwood and laminate flooring can cause damage to the flooring, such as discoloration, warping, or fading. Avoid using cleaning products that contain ammonia, vinegar, or bleach, as these chemicals can strip the flooring of its protective finish. Instead, opt for a mild cleaning solution that is specifically designed for hardwood and laminate flooring.
  • Do not neglect regular maintenance: Neglecting regular maintenance of your hardwood and laminate flooring can lead to costly repairs or replacement down the line. Regular maintenance includes sweeping or vacuuming the flooring to remove dirt and debris, using protective pads under furniture legs to avoid scratches, and addressing spills or stains immediately to prevent them from setting.
  • Do not drag heavy furniture or objects: Dragging heavy furniture or objects across your hardwood or laminate flooring can cause scratches, dents, or even cracks in the flooring. To avoid this damage, use furniture pads or sliders to move heavy objects across the flooring, or enlist the help of others to lift and carry the objects instead.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaning tools: Abrasive cleaning tools, such as steel wool or rough sponges, can scratch or damage hardwood and laminate flooring. Instead, use a soft microfiber mop or cloth to clean the flooring, or a vacuum with a soft brush attachment to remove dirt and debris.

Proper maintenance of your hardwood and laminate flooring is crucial to keep it looking beautiful and avoid costly repairs or replacement. By avoiding the common mistakes listed in this article, you can ensure that your flooring lasts for many years to come. Remember to use a damp mop or cloth with minimal water, avoid harsh chemicals, conduct regular maintenance, avoid dragging heavy furniture, and use gentle cleaning tools to keep your flooring in top condition.